The parents all bustled in this morning . "They've said it's going to be 24C this afternoon !!! ", off-loaded children and rushed off .
There were paddling pools to be filled , barbecue -able things bought , summer tee-shirts excavated from backs of wardrobes , legs shaved . Everyone was pink with excitement at pick-up time .
I shoved a huge pile of dressing-up clothes in a bag and cycled home as fast as I could to shove them in the washing machine and out on the line . Back out on the bike , sandwich in hand , to the Thursday fleamarket
Bought two ( more) vintage postcards ( why?) and finding two ancient cobwebby stencils , which happened to be my grandsons' initials , bought those too . Found the redcurrant woman and bought a big punnet for 2 Euros . Got home , admired the almost dry flamenco dresses and firemen tunics
and started tomato hunting . Five ! tomatoes ... each one the size of a pea .
Celebrated with a watermelon smoothie . Listened to the evening news ...... storms and hail forecast . Relieved that I'd managed to fit Summer 2012 into one day .