Yesterday it snowed everywhere . And , as a family , we don't really
do snow .
In Leeuwarden , I sat cosily inside , eating baked apples and reading a murder story. In Amsterdam , YD resolutely walked round the block and rushed back up to her flat and Netflix . In London , Smitonius refilled both bird feeders. In Leicester , Middle Daughter and family were mildly surprised to find they had two sleds and took them off to the park , after lunch.
Here the Town Hall dusted off the salt spreaders and they trundled round town with flashing golden lights all day , joining in the Christmas fun . Then the local news warned us that so much slushy, salty snow could freeze solid overnight and might make early roads extremely dangerous .
And this morning , I opened an email from MD to find a photo of Elder Grandson's lower lip twice as large as usual with some decorative embroidery on it . Not a sledding accident ; no sooner than they'd got home than he'd fallen on the stairs , split his lip and ended the day in A&E . Outraged, later on the 'phone today to me, he explained , "I had SNOW on my sock".
Oh dear , perhaps he'll never be part of the bobsleigh team.