Ta-Dah !! It's hot and sunny and we're sitting on a cafe terrace in teeshirts! It won't last, of course, it's much too early but everybody looks livelier . Perhaps they're just astonished?
But now, I'm almost tempted to go out onto the balcony and dust down a chair. Or go past the garden center and buy a plant or two ... something sturdy, though.
No tomatoes yet. Perhaps my new waif and stray, which I found last November blowing about the car park; two leaves on a tatty bit of stem that I brought home and stuck in a jam jar of water to see what would happen. It gamely grew roots, got stuck in a flower pot and here she is
A geranium, one of those dangly ones ( I only have a sketchy knowledge of the true gardener's vocabulary, I'm afraid ), she looks remarkably like a large , rather bullying, deep pink one that lived in a tub round the corner till it disappeared in November. Said tub is now filled with genteel mauve things, instead. Perhaps I could take a couple of leaves from my new plant over one night and re-introduce it discreetly? No, maybe not; I'm not really cut out to be an urban guerrilla. I'll just re-pot her and stick her on the balcony and let her achieve world domination on her own, leaf by leaf.
I don't think she'd be too happy with this photo. Once I've re-potted her, I'll have to show her in her feisty glory ... probably just before she grows next door.