All the lovely food intake over the holiday, such as this lovely mince pie, has taken its expected toll:

Now, in this household, we are quite adept at loosing weight when needed given previous diet experience (succesful Weightwatching and 'no fat diet' prior to gallbladder operation). So we are not worried about the extra pounds, and will lose the weight by eating tasty vegetable curries and lots of fish. But the trick is to make loosing weight through exercise interesting in winter, particularly when joining the gym does not appeal in the slightest. As I am a bit of an Iphone nerd, I found myself reading a post on
TUAW which mentioned
Geocaching. Now, I realise that I am ten years out of date, as this activity has been going on for years all over the world, but I was genuinely surprised by the number of caches in Britain in general and London in particular. So, we took it upon ourselves to go walking around London and saw some lovely sights over the last couple of days. It may seem odd to wander about following co-ordinates in order to locate a thing the size of a film canister and write out one's name and the date, but it did mean seeing things we simply hadn't before.
This Ram stands proud on the top of an arch hidden in a snicket in the City of London:

these shutters are part of an open air project by artist
Jason Goodall in East London. So many ice age animals set loose in the city!

This Victorian building was once the 'Necropolis Railway' for transporting bodies and mourners to Brookwood:

Sometimes geocaches are hidden in places familiar, but revisiting them is always a pleasure:

So, I hope to keep geocaching - even though my knees groaned at the shock of all those extra miles - all over town in 2011.