Thursday, 14 April 2011

It's Just Tutu Pink


Where have all the bright red tulips gone ?

There's something very girly about Spring this year .

Working , as I do , all day with knee-high pink glittery people ( not the boys , usually.... though there is one who insists on wearing the feather-trimmed pink lurex number from the dressing up box with a top hat and his fireman's axe ) , I should have become immune to rosyposyness .

Maybe it's to do with how cold and late Spring is this year , but the only plants in people's gardens seem to be all palely blushing and giggly .

The wellington boots in the Fabric Fair this week were frilly

and even the Easter Bunny seems to discovered ballet slipper pink

To counteract all this I'm going to listen to a Russian male choir tonight

and read something manly . I'll have to dig past all the jazz musician's biographies and books on Africa , astronomy and heraldry on Husband's book shelves .

Perhaps a gardening book? At least I'd be ready to grow my own red tulips next year .


Fran Hill said...

I think the frilly boots and the rabbit ears would go so well together. Saturday night, here I come!

Rattling On said...

No girly pink tulips in my garden. The previous owners obviously liked yellow, yellow and more yellow. I've tried to plant different ones but only about 5 red came up. Not sure where the rest went. Squirrels probably.
Now, the bag over on mine... I know you're a dab hand at sewing, so if you fancy lining it yourself then just e-mail me your address and the bag is all yours!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Only if you give me yours !
I'm shameless .... but not that shameless !!
I'll be delighted to have the bag . I love it .

Rattling On said...

My e-mail is
I'll start wrapping it!! Dawn

Tania said...

I totally dig the kid in the lurex and top hat number, although the axe element has a wee alarm ringing. Right now it's all bluster or weak sunshine in these parts. All browns and reds and riches...

colleen said...

Russian Male Voice Choir. Now there's some yang to all that pink yin.

iain said...

My my, I wish the boy in pink and feathers with his fireman's axe all the very best luck for his future - that's how I started and it's been a great life but I wish I'd had the support of someone like you!
Colleen: "Russian Male Voice Choir. Now there's some yang to all that pink yin."
Oh, don't you believe it ;-)