Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Just One Last "Big Day Out" Before I Get Down To Work Again


Antwerp , yesterday , was cold and wet , boarded up and covered in builders rubble . Even one or two of the hundreds of statues of Our Lady , which grace every corner of the city , weren't immune .

But Pain Quotidien still provided a tasty sandwich and big bowl of coffee plus the usual interesting dive down steep cellar stairs to the loo .

Boogkeers and the area round it had been prettily yarnbombed

and the recycling shop round the corner had , as always , a pre-dieu for sale among the flotsam of unwanted chairs and a couple of very quiltable '60s remnants .

This cat tried to persuade me that it needed to be adopted

and I would have adopted these tiles , if I could .

A good Day Out to finish off the summer holidays . Only one more year to go , now . This time next year , I'll be relishing the prospect of sitting with my feet up , coffee and crossword in hand , all winter long .But now it's time to gird up my loins , dust off the recipes for wholesome soups and knit the annual wooly scarf . ( In Noro Kureyon in a mix of charcoal , chestnut and spice ) .


Tania said...

Are you sure you couldn't have adopted those tiles - not with a little persuasion?

Not sure how I missed the birthdaying festivities but I did. Happiest belateds to you, lovely lady. I trust your scarvery is hanging all organised and accessible-like. I'm with the Dutch bloke on theories involving apple cake. Met slagroom.

Marcheline said...

If the arrow on that wall had been hung just a smidge to the right, it would explain that dejected expression on the man's face. And the disappointment on the woman's.


Friko said...

You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you hadn't got work to go to.

Rattling On said...

Just the one scarf? Very restrained, I seem to make one every week...
It's a lovely day here, which seems an insult at the end of the holiday when we've endured rubbish weather. No doubt I'll be in the classroom next week with the sun shining all day long.
One more year. What lovely words.

colleen said...

I feel like I've had an afternoon sightseeing. Thank you so much. And hope you enjoyed your day too.

Liz Hinds said...

After your mention of the loo I misread that as Bogkeepers.

Yarnbombed? Looks pretty but would look pretty soggy here today!

A year will go quickly. Soup, mmm. Just had beans on toast for Sunday dinner. I love beans on toast but ... I still feel hungry.

love those cupcakes said...

Sounds like a perfect end of holiday outing. I'll test run the winter of crosswords and coffee with feet up.

mountainear said...

Hmm. I did the Bog keepers typo too - and had to look twice.

I've noticed some 'yarn bombing' in a little town near us too. Is there something I should know?