Sunday, 22 June 2014

Running Wild-ish ....

I'm as lazy as sin and always have been , so retirement sounded ideal . Tailormade , in fact . Days spent lying on the sofa reading , occasionally interupted by meals , with a Day Out now and then for fun . Perfect . 
Of course , it hasn't quite gone according to plan . Husband's Alzheimer's has made us more housebound and Days Out have shrunk to a trip to the shops or a bike ride up the river bank to the nearest field  .

But , thanks to cousins who have whisked him off to his sister's home in France for a month , he's happily sitting in the sun in Provence and I'm able to get away for a while . In a couple of weeks , I'll be going to England to see the older daughters and , until then , I'm rediscovering the world ... I was going to write proper blog entries about everywhere I'm going and everything I've seen . But , as I've said , I'm as lazy as sin . So here are a few of the photos so far ...

An exhibition of weird and wonderful frocks in Groningen .... and something rather more refined in Den Haag

and a couple of pretty corners , here and there...


Liz Hinds said...

Glad you're able to get a break.

I'm on the lazy side too but do love your little outings and tales.

rachel said...

Have a lovely month off, and keep blogging! We need to know what you're up to.....

Lucille said...

I'm glad you are getting away! Tell us all about it. No pressure.

Friko said...

You’d be mad to spend your precious time away from caring for your husband on blogging. That’s something you can do any time afterwards again.

In the meantime enjoy this break and if you feel lazy, indulge yourself.

I wold. But then I’m not only lazy but also selfish. And very glad to be so.