Friday, 25 January 2019

Perhaps A Little Self-Restraint ...

 The party-ing is over. Huge fun while it lasted; a surfeit of fattening food … TWO Christmas puddings, eight sorts of cheese, three sorts of ham, far too many biscuits and Janet's Bubble and Squeak …. but it seems sensible to stop now before I go pop! 

Though, since it's snowed this week, there's a little voice in my head saying, "You need your calories, my girl" and I think of walking through the snow to school when I was quite small, sucking a boiled sweet my mother had given me 'to keep me warm'  (ironically she later became a dental nurse).

 Fortunately there's a bigger voice pointing out that if I want to button up my jeans, I'd better not eat a large bowl of porridge, two bananas and a leftover sausage every day for breakfast  … oh, alright, just this once, then…      
Trouble is having vivid memories of being housebound the last time we had days and days of black ice, I've stocked the flat with enough food to feed the neighbourhood for a fortnight.

Luckily there have been a couple of good exhibitions locally and wandering round the Fries Museum's  Rembrant And Saskia , Love and Courtship in the Golden Age a couple of times has kept me fit. Add to this a quick skip round Nubia, Land van de Zwarte Faroa's in Assen's  Drents Museum and I'm still only slightly chubby. And I've got a lovely post card of a white Nubian cat on my fridge door.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

What is life for, except to enjoy ourselves with good food? Glad you had a good holiday season!

Joanne Noragon said...

You had leftovers of that roast? I could have helped.

Liz Hinds said...

Sounds good and very like mine: too much food leaving its mark on my tummy. Am trying and failing to be more sensible so far ...

Glad you've managed to get out and enjoy some exhibitions though.

Lucille said...

I was always consdered too thin as a child and adolescent, despite eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I still believe that I might get too thin again and so eat to ensure that this will never happen. So far, so good.