Friday 12 February 2010

Onwards And Upwards

Sonata :

Devising one's own low cholesterol diet isn't quite as easy as I had thought . Not that I expected it to be a piece of cake . See! I can joke about it ! When I'm in London the week after next , I'll hunt out some good cookery books and a more complete table of fat levels than I can find on the internet .

But till then , I'm using common sense and being stern with myself . Actually my reduced cheese intake alone would probably be enough ! Luckily I like cottage cheese

I did allow myself a tiny amount of grated Pecorino on my pasta yesterday . With a sauce of red peppers , celery , onions and tomatoes perked up with thyme , garlic and two anchovy fillets , it was rather nice . Husband even evinced a willingness to taste it before he retreated to his fried maize-fed chicken . The feta had to go from the bean salad at lunch time but extra tomatoes , a spring onion and basil rescued it and the olives had to stay .... after all , it's not a fat free diet I'm on .
Fresh sardines , baked on a rack in the oven and sprinkled with sea salt must stay too . And I've found that almost any lean cut of meat is nice cooked on a base of vegetables with just a spritz of olive oil . Not quite as good as with roast potatoes etc. but still edible in a worthy kind of way .

My Scottish grandmother bequeathed me a love of porridge and lentil soup . In fact I'm always happy to eat beans of any kind . So I'm not going to starve .

I'll make it work , if it kills me ( another joke , she adds hastily ) .


rachel said...

And then there's the Toronto Protocol diet, which advocates almonds (23 a day! - lovely!), oats, soya, all of which can be used in a lot of different ways.

What you've shown in your post is that special requirements don't have to be dull or overly restrictive. Good luck!

Signs and Salvage said...

I did the Bikini Bootcamp diet last Fall...for 2 weeks. I have to admit...they had AWESOME, very fresh recipes in the may check it out for some inspiration. I loved all the black beans & lentils...BUT all the prep time was killing me!! I was cooking and prepping for over an hour a day! It takes so much time & work to eat healthy all the time!! I decided I needed a personal chef:) I managed for a little over a week...then had a major blood sugar thing and added more protein to the diet. Then the holidays hit...and well...lets just say I need to go back to bootcamp!! Have fun and best wishes!!!


Rattling On said...

can you get a similar product where you live? Some of these recipes look good!

Jinksy said...

Looks like a heap of tasty veg there.I think you may find the 'diet' easier than you imagined at first, once you get into the swing of it. Good luck, anyway! :)

laurie said...

yum, porridge. and a splash of lemon juice and maybe a dash of garlic makes anything palatable.

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

Gosh..those photos look amazing...

you made me laugh today with your comment about shivering teeth..too funny...

thanks for stopping by Farmhouse..always good to see you..

sending love across the sea, my friend


Tania said...

Do you reckon there's the necessary grieving period (for all that missed cheese) and then you just get on with it and then you just get used to it and then you just feel uber healthy and sorry for all those poor sods hauling around their high cholesterol? I'm thinking you should be allowed some moral high ground.

Marcheline said...

I firmly believe that as long as garlic, olive oil, tomatoes, and onions stay on my side of the line, ANY diet can taste great!

You go, girl.

Liz Hinds said...

Cheese is my downfall. there's no such as a little piece of cheese.

Oh, the verifier is mankit: I didn't know you could build your own!

gemma @ loz and dinny said...

stop - you are making me hungry with all those delicious food shots - sure missing cheese is a huge hurdle ... you have my condolences ... I've been eyeing off the soft smelly cheese section with great longing since I've had two buns in the oven ... Thanks for your comments over at mine xxx

Tattieweasle said...

I am in total awe - I'd be horrid without cheese - esp Wensleydale!