Sunday, 11 July 2010

Strangers Bearing Gifts And A Spider On Stilts

Yesterday there was a Brocante in Deventer and I rushed off early to the station , put my bike downstairs in the Bike Parking , got engaged in conversation with the man behind the counter who'd repaired my brakes the day before and shot back up the stairs , now late and in full pinball mode .
At the ticket machine I was busy choosing type , date and destination , when I heard a voice behind me . "Mevrouw ? ..." but put off answering for a second before I ended up filling the details in wrong and was obliged to go somewhere totally different for the day . "Mevrouw ? " Yes? "Mevrouw ? " WHAT? . " Where are you going ? ".
I looked round to check for dog on string and and miscellaneous bag/lady person . No , she looked normal . "I'm going to Deventer , and I'm in rather a hurry " , I say briskly and carry on with my purchase . "Mevrouw , I have a ticket for you " By this stage I'm flapping my spare hand behind me trying to swat her away .
"Mevrouw , REALLY , I HAVE A FREE TICKET FOR YOU ", she finally bellowed .
And she did . A promotion from some perfume shop .

Deventer was full of nice surprises too .
It was astonishingly warm but the library was having a book sale in the cellar , so I cooled off nicely .

The whole town was full of people on stilts and I met a very friendly spider .

And I brought a few things home with me . Why ? What a silly question !!


Tania said...

Can't believe even the Dutch spiders have height issues (types the Vertically Challenged One).

Friko said...

see, you shouldn't be so off-hand with people bearing gifts.

Was it National Get On Your Stilts Day? instead of 'get-on-yer-bike-day?'

Liz Hinds said...

What is a brocante?

Great spider costume.

Rattling On said...

Oh I love brocantes. We once went to one in Belgium and I had to carry a large pink tureen all the way back here in my lap. Bargain, you see. Mind you, my friend had a large amount of that curly bamboo which had to stick out of the car window. Good job we weren't on bikes.

Marcheline said...

Okay, I'll bite. What the hell is "Mevrouw"? Was she part cat?

colleen said...

Result! As we say here....

Jinksy said...

Mmm...I like the look of that seersucker...

Anonymous said...

Hope you girls don't mind, I have a cute award button for you. From me to you, do with it what you want. I get a kick out of you. BTW not up til Monday though.