Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Multi-Culti Temptations Abounded

Sonata :

I've just spent a week in England eating and thinking about eating and then eating some more .
Hard not to when one's children seem to be afraid that one will float away like a soap bubble if not fed at frequent intervals . Though , to be fair , I have done nothing to dispel this myth .

But eating in England now is such fun that it would require greater will power than mine to resist for long .
Travelling through London , one is tempted by "The Authentic Taste Of Cameroon" near Bethnal Green or this

in Borough Market . "Still Scottish at heart , I see ", said Smitonius .

There was Rosti or Portuguese pastries , Keralan spiciness , Congolese , Ethiopian or Vietnamese cooking , Finnish , Cypriot or Belgian food and Persian take-away in Notting Hill .

Endless , expensive treats in stylish Food Halls and this in Shepherd's Bush

A losing battle with a fast chewing Grandson over a plate of Calamari and a big bowl of olives .Excellent chili at Middle Daughter's and delicious crab risotto at Smitonius's
And we all enjoyed every mouthful .


Anonymous said...

Would you let me know about the first pic of fish? I'd love to use it as a template for engraving but need to know where it's from. Sounds like you had a delightfully gastronomic visit.

Malinda said...

My mouth is watering. I hope to get to London soon.

Marcheline said...

Egads, woman - are you trying to KILL us? I do believe it's possible to drown in one's own drool...

Rattling On said...

Well, I've just had CocoPops... but all that talk of food has made me wish it had been a full English!

Friko said...

An L-plated delivery boy?
Or L-plated cookery?

Liz Hinds said...

How could you resist indeed?! Delicious. I've never been to Borough Market but Elder Son has told me about it.