Sunday 22 September 2013

Catching Up ...

I know , we faded from view ...  My laptop felt peaky , WiFi vanished and I rediscovered Outside .
Since when , a lot has been done and thoroughly enjoyed ....

 There's been very old buildings ... with  stairs  , spiral and endless ... and not such old ones . Surprises . I discovered that , on hot days ,  Selfridges staff enjoy a roof terrace with bean bags , deck chairs and Astroturf
and that our local mayor has a hard hat and clogs handy by the fireplace in his office .

There were museums and a talk on interior architecture in Leeuwarden during the Golden Age . Ancient wallpaper

 and not such ancient three-piece suites .

 And unexpected details .
Animals , herb gardens and city farms .

 And, best of all ,  grandchildren . Air guitar and chocolate buttons . Fearless holding of falcons , and having to hunt for a suddenly lost front tooth till we agreed that it must have been swallowed ...  and the ensuing discussions about the Tooth Fairy's job description as laid down in her work contract . Books and songs , swings and all manner of furry elephants  . And loving presents of squashed bananas and beaming smiles ...
 Trains , buses ( you have no idea just how long ten hours can be till you go from Amsterdam to London on a Eurolines bus ) and boats . Sunsets and stained glass


And food , lots and lots of delicious food ... which , sensibly,  I just ate without taking a single photo .


Liz Hinds said...


Friko said...

Having rediscovered a world away from blogging you made good use of it.

Each scene is more delightful than the next, it all sounds gloriously alive and celebratory.

well done. Tell me how you managed it?

rachel said...

Chuckled at the Tooth Fairy bit.....

How did you find out about Selfridge's staff hideaway?

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Knowing the archivist can open doors ...
As for our mayor's office , not to mention all the spiral staircases ? It was Monument Day a couple of weeks ago .Fortunately , the last pair of staircases led one to an excellent bar with large sofas and good beer !

lovethosecupcakes said...

It all sounds so very good. Apart from the bus journey. Just out of interest, what did you do with your lovingly squashed bananas?

Lucille said...

I am sure there is an exclusion clause in the Tooth Fairy's contract to deal with swallowed teeth.
Did you have to go both ways by bus?

Fran Hill said...

This is almost poetic!