Sunday, 26 April 2015

Must Rush ! Mustn't Miss The Mice ...

The Peepshow exhibition's been on for six months so I only had myself to blame as I galloped , puffing , across the bridge and round the corner to the Natuurmuseum on the very last afternoon .
As always it was all beautifully staged and children rushed about between Scratch'n'Sniff exhibits ( "Eeeugh Mama , mouse pee smells disgusting !"  "No Mama , rat pee smells worse !!" ) , tiny skeletons  ,

 a large array of lethal antique mousetraps and the biggest stuffed mouse in the world . 

The art exhibition at the entrance was good too , though it did seem slightly tactless to have filled walls with paintings of owls .


Altogether I was glad I'd managed to drag myself away from a very good book , Ian McEwan's The Children Act , to go ... even if I don't seem to have come back alone .


Katharine A said...

Looks like an intruiging exhibition. That's the first time I have ever heard of scratch'n'sniff used in an exhibition. Where is the museum/gallery?

Liz Hinds said...

That's a mouse?! Not a rat?! Yuck.

Would love a scratch'n'sniff exhibition here.

Anonymous said...

Love the nun - sounds like a great exhibition....

xxx Jessamy

colleen said...


PS Can never post comments direct to your blog from Bloglovin - it's why I'm always late.

English Rider said...

That looks like a great exhibition. The owls do give it a bit of a twist, don't they?

molly said...

Love the name of the exhibition! I really enjoyed The Children Act too...

love those cupcakes said...

Looks like a great exhibition though I wouldn't want the cat here (the one with the, erm, collecting tendencies) to bring home that giant mouse or any of its relatives.

Annie Cholewa said...

Oh how wonderful! Small skeletons, stuffed rodents ... that's my kind of exhibition! (You're going to think I'm really weird now, aren't you.)

Marcheline said...

How fabulous!