Saturday, 4 July 2015

Summer Colours

Doesn't our weather man look surprised ! As well he might ; summer has taken a while to get going ....

Still there has been colour here and there

even though it has been more subdued .


London was very pretty this year .


materfamilias said...

Those are all sights likely to put a smile on my face were I walking through London -- especially that last photo. Don't think I could resist sitting on one of those chairs!

love those cupcakes said...

It's been a bit mixed here, too. Wintry one day, too hot to breathe the next. Whilst in our garden it's permanently autumn (why so many dead leaves?). Love those chairs!

Liz Hinds said...

Has the heat lasted? Ours disappeared and it's back to bed socks and woollies now.

Fran Hill said...

I wonder what the more muted neighbours think about the dark red and lime green house in between them ...