Thursday 21 January 2016

Penguin Awareness Day And A Wolf

After my last post about our local black ice , some of you kindly gave me a link to the 'walk like a penguin' site . Whereupon the ice promptly thawed and we were all free to skip about any old way we liked again ... until yesterday .
Leaving the flat early , I hadn't yet set foot on the pavement when a workman further up yelled , "It's icy , again ! " . So I obediently penguin-shuffled about all day , feeling like a fool but staying upright . And yes coincidentally , yesterday January 20th , was apparently Penguin Awareness Day ..... 
But now , I'm not just aware of them ,  I'm in awe ! I can't understand why they don't all pack their bags and move to Rio ...

Luckily the weather hasn't been people-unfriendly all the time . I was able to get to the knitting exhibition on a quiet afternoon to wander around among the birds in babies bonnets,  rabbits in socks , and a unicorn in a frock

There were geese in Frisian lace caps and a deer in a trendy jumper .

And colour everywhere....

A C16th chainmail glove and a knitted castle  to match . A C17th sock ... well-mended ... and tiny modern replicas , all knitted from the toe up as was the custom , apparently .

And Red Riding Hood's wolf , knitted by Chrystl Rijkboer from human hair . ( Don't all rush to your local hairdresser's . Hair spins up into very harsh yarn . Ideal for wolves , less comfy for people .

 It was all very colourful and cosy and I'll be back ....


Liz Hinds said...

What a fantastic exhibition! I love the geese and the rabbits especially!

Oh and have you seen the film - I can't remember what it's called ... possibly Penguins of Madasga?

love those cupcakes said...

Good to hear the penguin walk worked. Animals in clothes, you say? You've given me an idea.....

materfamilias said...

What a delightful exhibition! Thanks so much for bringing us along...