Thursday, 26 October 2017

Miaow !

The new ... in theory , temporary ... municipal library which rejoices in the name "Pop-Up Library" ( such a dispiriting name ) is full of bewildered Leeuwarders , cardboard boxes , new machines , an assortment of old armchairs and new Ikea dining tables , a windup gramaphone and the roaring of mechanical dinosaurs in the lobby .
And , depending on the time of day , Dutch lessons for bewildered foreigners , spontaneous Bible lessons by a young man in a wooly hat ,  unofficial lessons/workshops on how to use the new machines for the older staff by the very youngest stagaire  and weird clanking of hot water pipes .
 No , it's not the most peaceful of places any more . 

Until I sat down at one of the tables this afternoon to hunt for my library card and found a cat .

 I think all libraries should have a cat and I hope he comes to the old jail/new library , sometime in the Spring . 


Joanne Noragon said...

Will you tell? He's a fine secret to keep, too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They let ANYBODY into library school these days.

colleen said...

When I worked for the Emploment Service- as was- there was a dole office nearby that had a cat. Think of how much happier we would all be if every public building where there were people to care for them had a cat in residence.

Liz Hinds said...

Everything is pop-up these days. I expect hospitals will be next: you can be treated if you find one.

love those cupcakes said...

Love the idea of a library cat. Actually,the library here can have one of ours. He's brought three baby mice home this week.

Lucille said...

10 Downing Street has a cat so why shouldn't your library?

Jenn Jilks said...

That's a fun idea. Our local long-term care has a cat, too!

Vicki Lane said...

I agree that libraries (and book stores) should have cats.