Reading all these posts I'm always agog at what everyone does . They look after their families while working , crochet while in the Lotus position , whip up gourmet meals while finishing off their umpteenth quilt , spin their own wool from a pet Llama , grow pumpkins and make pickles , knit at traffic lights .... and all at the same time .
Not being of the same calibre , I've cut 31 giraffes out of yellow card , sewn two little drawstring bags , made a very nice pot of Lentejas ( lentils , preferably Puy , cooked slowly with a couple of pork ribs and chorizo ) . I went to a very pretty exhibition of china chosen by couples over the last hundred years for their wedding list with a photo of each couple and a sample of their choice

and walked through a little local book fair and admired this

while purchasing a vintage Bestway Fancy Dress pattern book ( I'll show you another time , I promise ... it's got a few must-haves in it ) .
And it's taken me all WEEK !
Mind you , what I lack in boundless energy I make up for in cunning and I've enrolled Friend , the demon knitter , in the little hats project for the Innocent Big Knit . So I'll still have a little time to