In the time that it's taken me to go from this

to this

we've all changed the way we eat , dramatically .
Does anyone make Stuffed Marrow or Jam Roly-Poly anymore ? Though there has been a bit of a foodie return to Lamb Shanks and Braised Pheasant , I doubt whether there would be queues forming these days for 1950s delicacies like Tripe And Sausages .
( But , just in case you feel tempted , I found the recipe the other day in an old copy of Sheila Hutchin's "Grannie's Kitchen " and here's how :
Stew 1 lb. of cleaned tripe with 2 large chopped onions in salted water till tender . Drain off the water and add 1/2 lb. of good sausages to the pan , cover with milk and stew it all together another half hour . Serve with mashed potatoes . Or not . I have to say I like tripe but I draw the line at the addition of sausages and have visions of fatty globules floating on the surface of the milk ..... )
And while Yorkshire housewives were keeping body and soul together with this sort of stuff , Marseilles housewives were making Pieds Et Paquets , a lamb's trotter and rissole stew which took 12-15 hours to simmer to perfection.
These days what with work pressures and health warnings , we're more likely to nibble daintily on an hors d'oeuvre sized snack .

But apparently we're steadily getting larger . The general public is getting heavier . On what? We can't all be mainlining Happy Meals .
Anyway , tomorrow , I'm off to the market for mackerel and sole , celeriac and black tomatoes , Turkish bread and meusli bread (like raisin bread for champions ) , a slab of pork to roast and olives , carrots to make 64 sq ft kitchen's carrot and caraway salad ( see the side-bar) , Tuscan sausage and smoked beef , more chick peas for my new love Chana Masala , that I had first at Smitonius's last month , curly kale and string beans .......
But what will you be cooking this weekend ?
P.S. A tutorial -ish mini-quilt post will follow in the next couple of weeks , once I've worked out how to sew and take photographs of my hands at the same time .Watch this space .
P.P.S Do make the carrots .... then eat them with grilled chicken and new potatoes !!