Well, we got tagged by Penny (thanks!), and the fun bit about this award is having to reveal 7 things about ourselves our blog readers don't know (Smitonius: my first thought was... well, there must be things that my mother does not know about her daughter, and viceversa!). Firstly, here are the rules:

2. Thank the person who gave you the award and post a link to their blog. [TICK]
3. Write 7 things about yourself we do not know. [See below]
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to award. [Again, see below but do not feel obliged bloggers!]
5. Link to those 7 other bloggers. [Will do]
6. Notify your 7 bloggers. [again, will do]
So, revelations (imagine if you will a slow but increasing drum roll) and bear in mind that we have had a wandering life - having lived in Britain, Spain and the Netherlands:
1) Sonata: When I was ten, our dance class danced around the May Pole outside the Community Centre and I went the wrong way, tangling all the ribbons hopelessly. I was then positively encouraged to give up dancing and only took to the floor again when the twist became popular.
2) Smitonius: As a child, I did not entirely share my mother's sense of humour, and, in addition, was totally star struck: I longed for the black and white Hollywood glamour of the 1940s and 50s, perhaps I was rebelling against the orange floral bell bottomed trousers I had to wear. So, it seemed entirely appropriate to name one of our cat's litter, a patchy tortoiseshell, Lana (after, Lana Turner of course). My mother laughed, and noted that Lana is the Spanish word for wool, and renamed her Woolie. Now, I have to laugh, but then I didn't!
3) Sonata: Husband and I got married in Gibraltar, in the same room as John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Not at the same time, of course, and with considerably less media frenzy. But we were given the Honeymoon Suite at the hotel. It had burnt orange walls and a leaking roof, I remember.
4) Smitonius: The closest I have ever come to fame was emerging from a cake aged 18 and dressed up as a 'French' maid (it involved a black mini-skirt and a red beret, I seem to recall) for magazine editor Tina Brown's father's birthday party celebrated on the Costa del Sol. He was George Hambley Brown... and had I been able to google him then, I would have been quite struck by the fact that he had once directed Vivien Leigh!
5) Sonata: When Smitonius was researching something or other, I started picking up holy cards for her as they are so much easier to find in Holland than in England. Typically, I didn't stop there and now have loads of them. I love the lovely artwork, especially the Art Deco ones, and cannot resist any by the Belgian religious house and publisher Abbaye de Maredret. CLICK on picture below to see these ones close up:
6) Smitonius: In addition to the above Holy card craze, I have suffered other momentary crazes that result in a collection or a stash (you see, hoarding is genetic): some are self-evident, like knitting (this is hardly a revelation) but one craze was pretty peculiar. For although I was in my early 30s, I stared a Pokemon card collection - why? I have no idea how I became Pokemon Crazed, and it did break one day (rather like a fever), but my nephew will be grateful when he is older and I hand him over my collection (and, as it happens, I could combine my love of yarn with my enduring affection for Pikachu by making this hat - but maybe not!).
We pass on the award to the following bloggers - but do not feel obliged... though thinking about what to reveal is actually quite fun!
Molly Bawn Chronicles: her fairy name is Columbine Rainbowfilter!
Duyvken: such crafting loveliness!
Myrtle and Eunice: always craft-busy... her new tea towels are fab.
Slow lane life: she says 4 cats are enough... do we believe her?
Unleash the inner FWOG: another collaborative blog - the more the merrier!
Gugaw: a fellow Londoner who likes Spanish hot chocolate... and visits interesting places.