In true holiday spirit , I left my old self behind and rushed blindly into new adventures . So no Weetabix or porridge for me . Oh no ! A colleague of mine is , as I write , wandering about the Andes ( yes , the same one that was wandering up and down The Great Wall of China last year ) , so I thought why not ? I'll venture off myself , albeit vicariously . Quinoa porridge ! After all , millions of South Americans and blogging vegetarians thrive on it . So 1 cup quinoa flakes , 1 cup water , 1/2 cup milk later and

If you've only ever eaten it as a grain , tasty with mushrooms and leeks for instance , you might be surprised by the dried pea/school soup porridgy version . I was . Oatmeal porridge or a boiled egg and soldiers in future , I think .
But I must say quinoa porridge is rib-sticking . And not just rib-sticking .... later on , I found a blob that had escaped and firmly glued itself to a kitchen cupboard door . And it did give me super-human strength later when investigating a strange smell round the 'fridge , that turned out to be coffee milk that Husband could vaguely remember having mislaid a while ago ( I do sometimes wonder if Husband's ever really going to get the hang of this living indoors business ) .
I can rest my chin on the top of our 'fridge but , well nourished, I manhandled it out of the corner and scraped and scrubbed underneath , before I manhandled it back . And was rewarded by finding a twenty Euro note wedged by the wall . Plus this old sketch of Juf Geraldine by a three year old girl with a talent for flattery.