It's the May holidays , and the schools are closed for a week .

This is disconcerting... No, not the whale (introductions to follow below), but blogger has changed its look within since I last posted. I am having to learn a new system at work too, having been used to one virtual learning environment we are now being trained in another. Although the difference in practice is often slight, it is odd how reliant one becomes with the look of a programme or virtual environment, isn't it? But then again, I am not 4 years and 11 months of age....
Anyway, I was actually meaning to blog about my nephew's first attempt at drawing on my iPad. This is a boy who did not really get on with pencils and paper until quite recently, but he was quite happy managing a drawing ap which has the tools (pencil, paintbrush, eraser) to select from and white pages. He erased most of them out very quickly, but I managed to keep a copy of this one. A big whale with teeth and big eyes. But then he went on to talk a lot about sharks with invisible fins when we all pretended to be animals. I was a hamster, by the way.
We saw plenty of beautifully decorated windows:
And some which had live residents, such as this cat. In fact, we even saw a cat in a bakery... mouse sandwich anyone?
Unfortunately, at the flower park, the variety of tulip that was called Zombie had not yet flowered, but we saw plenty of other varieties. Some were planted in rows:
But often flowed like a beautiful indigo river of hyacinths:
And did you know they could dye roses like this?
There was also a special display in honour of Poland. And there was a portrait in flowers of Chopin. A couple who had climbed the rostrum without reading the sign eagerly discussed who it might be, and decided it had to be Bethoven. At least it was another composer!