Sunday, 26 June 2011

Blazing June


According to the local forecast , we're about to enjoy tropical weather here ! I'm not sure which part of the tropics they mean ... Those mountains where the gorillas roam ? Yesterday , at breakfast , I noticed that Husband had a snowflake patterned jumper on . A thick jumper with a collar . Or perhaps they mean next weekend after Wimbledon ?

Anyway , staying firmly indoors , I was rummaging about in yet another box of ancient yellowing magazines and found a couple of "The Farmer's Home" , a supplement issued by the Farm And Stockbreeder And Farm , Field & Fireside . They were from February 1938 and full of splendid ideas for this June .

The Kne-Dri leggings are a must , the soups on the recipe pages sound rather grim but at least warming ( Boil a bit of cauliflower in stock from that catch-all stockpot on the back of the stove ... allowing two sprigs per person ) and , having loads more time than a pre-war farmer's wife , I've got a couple of months left to make cosy quilts before September .

But , tired of life in black and white , I stood outside in the drizzle last night , with a scarf wrapped twice round my neck and firmly tucked in , and admired my soggy flowers .

And cooked Nani's Mother's Mackerel ... a friend's recipe from many years ago in Andalucia .

And this morning the sun's shining .....


Tania said...

I'm a wee bit concerned about your heat wave readiness. My version is throwing hot water bottles in the freezer.

Marcheline said...

Wow - great photos, love the fish shot! I think I have the same lilies - Mom gave me some on her last visit. They're called "Red Rum".

rachel said...

Sometimes you don't really want to know where your feather and down quilt comes from.....

Liz Hinds said...

Ooh, that mackerel looks good!

We had summer yesterday. Gone now.

Those knee-highs look quite fetching ...

Liz Hinds said...

Kne-dris not highs. Thought the title didn't make sense.

Rattling On said...

It was 28 and a bit here yesterday, but of course today's max has been 16 and it rained all night. Same given for the rest of the week. Still, I got to wear linen trousers!!

(I am having a lot of trouble commenting on blogger blogs. I know other people have this problem. Today only took me 5 goes/redirections. So please don't think I'm not reading, just sometimes I never get to the comment box!)

Friko said...

Was it hot enough for you on Sunday?
Shropshire was melting.

Deborah said...

It's sunny because my extra-tall son arrived on your shores yesterday and broke through the clouds with his head.

More seriously, are you willing to share that mackerel recipe?

love those cupcakes said...

There's been plenty of sog here for the last couple of days though I have to admit to preferring the cooler temperatures. (And the opaque black tights I refuse to ditch don't look so out of place).