I'm tidying up for the builders . Yes , I know I tidied up for the builders a while ago , but the windows take 6-8 weeks to be made in Belgium . So now we're nearly at the top of the queue .
Meanwhile a few more things have been acquired . ( Whoever squawked at the back ... I've heard it before , with a Dutch accent ) . Acquisitions must be sorted out , put away , categorised ..... So you can see how things can begin to go wrong , can't you .
These must be introduced to the herd

And then there's things that have no obvious place , which is why I can buy them for 10 cents . I'd love to know who painstakingly filled the pages of this sketch book , over 50 years ago , with faint (traced ?) drawings and tiny pattern pieces . Did she ever upscale her patterns with this handy measuring tape , and make the clothes ? I'd love the blouse on the right at the bottom .

And then it seems great fun to photograph odd pages and make a collage of them .
Which would explain why , on my own this evening , I'm now scuttling about and planning a bacon butty* and rocket salad for supper .
* a butty is a sandwich , not the delicate kind without crusts and cut in triangles .
Thank you so much for the kind words regarding Buddy...he is doing so good.....
and yes, now I can get back to decorating...that sure got a backseat when Buddy needed help....
I'll be back posting at the beginning of the week......
Kary and Buddy
I have to do tidying for the builders soon. My studio, which is now so full it only functions as a cupboard, is to be demolished to make way for a new, bigger better studio. But in the meantime, WHERE WILL IT ALL GO? I foresee tears and tantrums before all is resolved. I hope your work is less traumatic.
Penny x
I have three drawers filled to busting with ten cent no where else to put 'em items. You can have all three drawers containing treasure of all kinds for the princely sum of a dollar. At which point I will adopt a life of minimalism and walk through life with a smug smile upon my lips.
Hmmmm, tidying for the builders...? So you can tidy again AFTER the builders...?
You can tell I tend to take the minimalist approach to 'housework'.
As for me, I'd like the blouse on the bottom LEFT side. I made a skirt just like that one in the same picture, when I was in home economics in junior high school.
The things that have no obvious place are always the most interesting! I think I have far too many of them...
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