Yesterday was a day I had not been looking forward to. I had an appointment at Moorfields Eye Hospital for an iridotomy. I dreaded having my eye balls prodded again, being zapped and was worried about how my eye sight would be afterwards. On the other hand, given that they warned me I was on the verge of an acute attack of sudden onset Glaucoma due to narrow angles (two minutes in a hospital and look at all the new words I get to learn!), I wasn't about to refuse the option.
I have brown eyes, and, as I learnt, this means I needed two sets of laser treatments on both eyes. It was an excrutiating experience (I won't go into details), but appears to have been succesful as the pressure in both eyes dropped. The added bonus is that the world looks a lot brighter, sharper and well defined now than it did. Now that I have stopped having to put drops in on the hour every (waking) hour, I intend to pop down to the pub to celebrate!
My eyes are watering just having read that; I am horrified on your behalf, but relieved at the outcome. You've earned that trip to the pub.
Word ver. is Sperm. Blogger, what are you thinking?
I am so glad that your eyesight has been saved. Having eye trouble is rotten. I have had real sight in one eye only for all of my life and Beloved is slowly succumbing to MD.
Good luck.
So glad all was successful!
Take care!!
Cheers! You deserve it after all that prodding - hope you had enough beer to test out your ability to focus!
Ouch! Delighted that the process worked; hope you never have to go through it again...
I'm sure beer is good for the eyesight ;) xx
Poor you. I have a horror of having to have things done to my eyes. Glad it's worked well for you.
our eyes are so precious.... I hope things work out well on this score.... I would have been scared silly .. I hate anybody poking around near my eyes...
Ergh. And yikes. And thank goodness that's over. My hearty thank yous for the kick to the back seat. I am well overdue an appointment with an eyeball doctor.
I used to be an ophthalmologist's assistant, so I know what you're talking about. And yes, good thing you got that done on the spot.
Here's to a speedy recovery and being able to see your pints more clearly! (At first, at least... heh)
Ouch. There is something about messing with eyes that is so very close to home. Glad it worked out ok for you and think that going down to the pub is an entirely estimable response.
Ooh, poor you...I really sympathise. I had a cataract done in July and wasn't nearly as brave about it as I thought I would be. I think a lot of the problem is if you are having something nasty done, a tooth out, an injection, whatever, we cope with it by shutting our eyes. Not really am option in this case. Well done anyway, I'm so glad it's sorted and you are reaping the benefit of improved vision. Penny x
I hope you eyes are feeling better now?! And a celebration at the pub sounds a perfect way to get over something.
poor you that sounds horrible :( hope it makes a big difference xx
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