The school holidays have begun . Early morning coffee and Kerstbrood has been shared with the childrens' parents

The works party has been survived . Parcels and cards have been posted . Father Christmas seems to have got his act together this year and stocking fillers have been found . A visit to a Christmas Market has been planned as long as it doesn't snow too much . The tree has just been rescued from the frozen ( minus 4) back yard .
Youngest Daughter will be getting together tonight with a group of friends in Amsterdam for their annual pre-Christmas Turkey-fest . This year the bird will be prepared by one of them , famed for his interest in the good things of life , to a family recipe as cooked by his mother in Budapest every year . YD is doing the roast potatoes and everyone will be bringing something delicious . Much will be eaten . I'm hoping she's not too jaded to cook our Christmas lunch on the 25th . Last year's was delicious !
And , perfectly timed , a parcel from Catey has just arrived as part of a swap , organised by A Little Pink Room , full of lovely fat quarters , buttons

and a beautiful buttony star for the tree , which is thawing out nicely in the kitchen .
Mind you , the big snows started on the 19th of December last year . It's still only the 18th ........
P.S. YD reported this morning that she ended up having to make roast potatoes for 18 ! This does not bode well for the 25th , I feel . Perhaps she can peel the sprouts ?
That is no comfort, Blogpal! LOL :)
Hmm, nice of you to remind us that the BIG snow started on the 19th last year ;-)
The Kerstbrood looks a lot like Stollen. Is it?
As you say, so far so good, except we are once again snowed in and unable to get out. Whatever I haven't done now remains undone.
Merry Christmas!
You don't get kerstbrood like real kerstbrood Downunder. A veritable travesty.
I am insanely green over your cold. I mean, I'd be a bit over it by December 27th, but you try feeling Christmassy with weather in the mid 20s (which is a vast improvement on some past forty degree experiences)...
The last run up before Christmas can be heaven if you are organised all cosy and looking forward to it.. love the star!
Love the star - what a great idea.
Sounds like your plans are coming along very nicely - wish I could say the same!
It's minus 11 here... but at least there's no work. How nice you get to see the parents, I'm afraid we only get to meet the parents of 'our' kids when they're about to be excluded.
My daughter has just done a communal Christmas dinner, she made my special cabbage recipe for everyone.
Love your swap, have you noticed LPR requires a password now, or is it just me?!?
Love that star!
I love reading about your Dutch life, S&S. It's a bit like opening up a lovely picture book full of nice things to look at and interesting little stories. A glimpse into another world, delivered with the perfect sense of humour. Should I not see you before the 25th, I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and scrumptious meals.
Wishing you the veriest of merriest from New York!
oh yay, i'm so glad you liked the parcel! x
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