A few of the things Googled this week ....
How to open an old Cable Turtle ( you can't if it's really old and not bendy , I gather ) , which leads me onto How to Cable Stitch Crochet , bypassing the unattractive sounding Cable Gland , which two pages later segues into How to clean a turtle tank ( no , you can't just hand them each a dish mop )
Tashkent ..
How to cook Red Camargue Rice .... again ..... it's my recurring Senior Moment . I can never remember how much water to use .
Victor Mature .
Lotus Eating .
How much cholesterol in liver ( too much if you're on a low cholesterol diet . You'd be safer just eating the bacon ) .
Springing hedgehogs .... don't panic ! Macrocranion Tupaiodon lived thousands of years ago and was wooly rather than spikey , anyway . There's a very nice fossil in our local Nature museum , if you're passing .
Junket .
This year''s Top Names For Babies .But somehow I can't see Will and Kate choosing Atticus , Magnus or Hank if it's a boy , while neither Juno nor Lizzie seem quite right if it's a girl . We'll just have to wait and see .
Encyclopaedia Britannica .
See , hours of fun !
Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!
1 year ago
It's the way one thing leads to another and another and you suddenly find yourself discovering the most obscure and useless but fascinating piece of information that you will strive for days to bring into a conversation.
Now google makes going off tangent simpler than ever before people like you and I don't stand a chance. (I'm assuming that some of those things were the result of site-hopping?)
I thought Junket was the top name for babies until I re-read. Seems as sensible as some of the others.
When we lived in Moscow and my daughter broke the toilet flush I Googled 'mend broken toilet flush' and bingo, some kind soul had dome diagrams and the lot.
We play a game at school. Someone chooses a random topic- a place or event- anything at all. We all get Wikipedia on the homepage and press Random article on the left side bar, everyone should get a different page come up. Using only the hyperlinks within the page you have to get to your chosen topic as quickly as possible. We have been given unbelievable topics and haven't yet not had one of us get to it! We know how to live it up in our lunch breaks...
You're avoiding housework, aren't you.
I may be employing Displacement Therapy , yes .
Trust Rachel to get right to the point!
I see nothing wrong in choosing time with Google over a session with Dyson. If you're ever at a loose end, try typing 'What is'.
Even better, try Googling 'Why is'. I can guarantee housework will become a distant memory.
Lizzie would be ok for a royal name. There's a precedent, more or less. Hank... well, I suppose if it's short for Henry then this would be appropriate too.
Personally I quite fancy King Atticus.
Now there’s an idea. I really must copy this.
I am always asking Google for answers; as I am sure you know one thing leads to another and by the time I’m done I have usually forgotten what I came for.
I looked up Chines lanterns last. Well, whaddaya know, I had no idea that there are paper ones too.
You always seem to eat really interesting things - or perhaps it is the way that you describe them.
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