Wednesday, 6 December 2017

How Can I Have Forgotten ?

It's only 340 days or so ago , so how can I have forgotten that days in December shrink from twentyfour hours to seven , that in December rolls of Sellotape are only two foot long and that in December the town's entire population takes it in turns to join the queue in the Post Office.

 That there'll be wet snow on the day you've arranged to meet a vague acquaintance for coffee and icy fog when you go Christmas shopping in Groningen . And no heating on the train when you come back from Amsterdam.

Still , at least this year , even though M&S has closed in Holland, I've managed to get hold of a Christmas pudding , know where the nutcracker is and have posted the cards so if all else fails Christmas won't be a complete washout.

And I've seen the perfect Christmas shoes.


Joanne Noragon said...

I think it's under control at your house. Have a wonderful celebration and joy in friends and vague acquaintances.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That sneaky December! It fools us EVERY time!

colleen said...

You've written your cards? Now that is impressive.

gz said...

I haven't started on cards yet...or found the decorations..

lovethosecupcakes said...

You're doing well. The shopping list here just gets longer and longer despite daily trips to the shops.

materfamilias said...

Oh, those really are the perfect shoes, Luxe with a big hint of hygge!

Liz Hinds said...

It's amazing the things we forget. I feel vaguely in control at the moment which is undoubtedly a bad sign. I will have forgotten something major.