Yesterday it snowed everywhere . And , as a family , we don't really
do snow .
In Leeuwarden , I sat cosily inside , eating baked apples and reading a murder story. In Amsterdam , YD resolutely walked round the block and rushed back up to her flat and Netflix . In London , Smitonius refilled both bird feeders. In Leicester , Middle Daughter and family were mildly surprised to find they had two sleds and took them off to the park , after lunch.
Here the Town Hall dusted off the salt spreaders and they trundled round town with flashing golden lights all day , joining in the Christmas fun . Then the local news warned us that so much slushy, salty snow could freeze solid overnight and might make early roads extremely dangerous .
And this morning , I opened an email from MD to find a photo of Elder Grandson's lower lip twice as large as usual with some decorative embroidery on it . Not a sledding accident ; no sooner than they'd got home than he'd fallen on the stairs , split his lip and ended the day in A&E . Outraged, later on the 'phone today to me, he explained , "I had SNOW on my sock".
Oh dear , perhaps he'll never be part of the bobsleigh team.
The local news might have mentioned snow on socks!
Oh dear, the bobsleigh world will be the poorer for your grandson's absence. I hope he heals quickly!
Winter has even stretched her icy claws as far south as here in Florida! We've had to cover our veggies in the garden with old sheets a night or two to protect them from the frost! We always enjoy a cold spell though. It helps us get re-aquainted with sweaters, mittens, woolly tights, scarves and knitted hats, all those comfy, warm clothes that it's usually too warm to wear...
Poor Elder GrandSon! Glad he had fun in the snow first. WE very rarely have snow so it is greeted with excitement when we do.
I spent a lot of my time recently in Amsterdam trying not to slip over when I was dodging out of the way of trams and bikes. I think one definitely has to get used to such things. I was not cheered at the news that someone I know was in hospital in London following knee surgery after slipping on ice. Oh dear, I must be getting old....
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