Saturday, 2 January 2010

Not So Much A Resolution , More of a Fond Hope

I know I said that one of my New Year's resolutions was to learn to link effectively , perhaps I should have said New Year's Fond Hopes.

My record , resolution-wise , is patchy . I did give up smoking about 30 years ago but that was more the conviction that a hacking cough might prove an uncongenial permanent fixture . My last year's was to finish WIPS . Hmmmm ..... completed patchily . Sorry about the pun .

But this

and this , seen in Bremen

have inspired me to make bread on a more regular basis , i.e. more than once a year .

I love Sour Dough bread and it's difficult to get locally . And I must have something tasty and hearty to try out the recipes in my new lovely cook book from Smitonius and partner .

Chicken livers , sage and pancetta on toasted Sourdough .....
Crostini with artichokes and Parma ham ....
Merguez sausages with red onions and capers on toasted ciabatta ....


Rattling On said...

The bloke in Bremen has obviously acquired that 6 pack from kneading all that dough...Your book looks good, the onion topping particularly appeals.

BumbleVee said...

I just began baking my own bread almost two years ago.... I love it!

I have yet to do sourdough...but, if you want a simple Artisan type bread.... look on my Tea and Scones blog... under Tuscan Peasant Bread.... easy and tasty...very forgiving in the time department....

Marcheline said...


molly said...

I used to think the only authentic way to make bread was to do all that kneading myself. It covered many bases besides putting bread on the table---built up my muscles, gave me something to hit and pummel when it would not have been acceptable or appropriate to hit and pummel where I really wanted to. But, after a trip to visit son and partner in the UK earlier this year I fell in love with the bread they made in their bread machine. So, I found one under the tree! Will be coming here for tips and recipes! Happy New Year!

Tania said...

You're preaching to the converted again - nothing like taking a whole load of frustration out on a lump of dough - and so far I haven't been let down on the expanding-to-a-fine-loaf-department. That seems to go hand in hand with the expanding of the midriff department.

rachel said...

I love 'real' bread, almost any kind, but not sourdough. I feel vaguely guilty and inadequate about it.....

Mrs Smith said...

'Things on Bread' Brilliant! It is always the simple things that re the best.huh?

I think I might join in your breadmaking fond hope for the year. God knows the stuff we get from the supermarket here is not exactly what you'd call bread, more like aerated cardboard.

Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the sough dough - I have to avoid yeast and can't get a starter started if you know what I mean... I'm also using Spelt flour now and just starting to explore breads. (the word verification is 'prizediv'! honestly, I shall try not to be offended).

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

Things On Toast..what a cute book....I have been following the blog Pinch My Salt..they are baking out of Peter Reinhart's Bread Baking Apprentice Cookbook. I got the book and started following along, but lost steam over the holidays. Hopefully, I can pick back the bread baking too.....

stay warm...

i'll be back soon...
