The only snag was that it seemed that first my finger needed to be rearranged parallel to the others rather than at right angles, by a plastic surgeon. And, since a Brachial plexus anaesthetic was to be used, I needed someone to be with me. ( The limb in question goes so numb that there's a danger of dislocation. ) It all required some rushing about by YD, who managed to go from two days above Germany with her boyfriend in a helicopter to chaperoning me and my numb left side and filling my freezer with chili and curries in Friesland to installing everyone in the barn and whizzing round fairground rides, avoiding only the ones where one hangs upside down squeaking.
The barn was lovely; there was even a piano, sadly out of tune to Smaller Grandson's disappointment.

Endless cats, endless tractors, a lovely garden and a giant sofa. An extraordinary number of freshly laid eggs. A raucous magpie. Nonstop talking. Lots of apples. And an open shower in the middle of the giant communal bedroom upstairs.
There was also a day in Den Bosch, where Elder Grandson fell in love with a dial Phone telephone box in the Design Museum … "Did you ever use one like this? Gosh, really?!
and everyone ate too much. Lots of lovely statues were seen, including a rather Harry Potterish giant golden dragon . Giant chocolate choux pastries filled with cream were carried back in pink striped boxes and various tiny dogs were admired, especially the ones in coats.
The next day we all packed up rather sadly and they went off to a couple of days in Amsterdam, while I came back north to start on the prescribed finger exercises ( to be done seven times a day!) and to begin on the lentil and spinach curry.
Lentil and spinach curry sounds delightful, and thanks to YD. Giant chocolate choux pastries filled with cream place a very close second. Did your elder grandson know how to use a dial phone? I have seen wonderful videos of young people set on the task of placing an actual phone call on a dial phone.
YD sounds like a heroine! Glad you managed a few days in the barn although I am not entirely sure about the shower in the middle of the communal bedroom ... please explain more.
Nothing wrong with a bent little finger anyway!
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